St. Aidan’s is a congregation committed to making music together. On your first visit you will be amazed to hear our small space is filled to the rafters with the congregation singing the hymns! Our director of music, Steve Wiggin, is an organist and composer as well as an experienced church musician.
Meet Steve Wiggin

Organist Stephen Wiggin serves as Parish Musician at St. Aidan’s Church, where he has been summer organist since the mid 1990’s. A native of Maine, he returned from Kentucky in June of 2015. Steve holds a Bachelor of Music with organ concentration from Nyack (New York) College. He also has a Master of Church Music with double major in organ and music composition from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky, where he received the Honors Award in Organ Concentration in 1974. He was certified as a Director of Music (1976) and consecrated as a Diaconal Minister of the United Methodist Church in 1978. In 2015 he retired from the Grace Episcopal Church in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, after serving as Organist/Choirmaster there for 33 years. He was the Director of the Hopkinsville Madrigal Singers for 35 years. In Hopkinsville he also maintained a teaching studio of piano, organ and theory students, and tuned pianos. He taught Middle and Upper School Music at the University Heights Academy in Hopkinsville for eleven years. While at University Heights he commenced and directed the annual Broadway musical productions by the Upper School Chorus. He founded the Pennyrile Youth Chorale and Pennyroyal Oratorio Society. As a composer he frequently adapts anthems from the vast repertoire of sacred music from Palestrina forward, making them usable by small choirs. Original compositions include three mass settings: the Christmas Carol Mass based on familiar Christmas hymns, the Celtic Mass with texts adapted to traditional Celtic music, and Mass for Grace, an entirely original composition.
St. Aidan’s Choir
Our Choir is small but it makes a joyous sound. Pictured here is Steve Wiggin with members of our winter choir.