Da-Plants, Da-Plants, Da-Plants
St. Aidan’s Famous Plant Sale is back. Saturday, May 25th from 9am until all the plants are sold.
We have over 1000 Perennials for sale this time. Covid delayed this bi-annual event, but we are back and are stronger than ever. We have hundreds of Irises, Daylilies, Hostas, Primroses, Centurias and Filipendula as well as many other plantings. Our small parish family worked tirelessly on Saturday May 4th digging, dividing and repotting these plants so that they will be ready for you on May 25th. Plants will not go on sale until 9am to allow time for us to put them out on display for sale in St. Aidan’s yard. Plant lovers – don’t miss out on this fantastic event. In 2019 these plants were all gone by 12 noon.